This week (June 21-27, 2021) is Pollinator Week! This annual event is celebrated all around the world as a way to learn about and support pollinators and their health. There are so many ways to get involved this week, like watching a relevant documentary, working in a garden, or taking part in online pollinator workshops. So for the next week, I’ll be sharing all sorts of information about the very important pollinators that call the Pacific Northwest home and the threats that pollinators at large face today.


The Pollinator Week Toolkit is a great resource and has plenty of ideas for activities people of all ages can participate in.

Pollinator Week Activities has a great page about certain pollinator week activities, like gardeners sharing how their pollinator gardens are doing and what pollinators they’re seeing and a virtual Pollinator Power Party. Events in Washington state include:

  • “Honey, let’s talk: a conversation about honeybees” June 27 at 3:30pm
    • This is a weather dependent event with local beekeeper, Pete Church, where you’ll get to visit a hive and learn about honeybees. According to, contact Karen Nelson for any questions:
  • WILD About Idaho Bees – Virtual Class
    • This virtual class is a way to learn all about native and honey bees in the state of Idaho. The class is virtual and you can do it on your own time but it officially ends on August 20th.
    • Non-credit option is $10 plus purchase of a butterfly net and 20 vials ($12-18)
    • Credit option for university students is $60 and you’ll also be participating in a Xerces Society bumblebee survey

Plant a Pollinator Friendly Garden

Pollinator-friendly gardens or balconies are also a great way to help pollinators! There are so many great plants that are good for all sorts of pollinators that also great for humans and gorgeous to look at. In addition to planting flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees, having things like water dishes, butterfly houses, bee hotels, and more can provide shelter and other resources for pollinators. Here are some resources for creating an immersive pollinator garden:

Ultimately, there is so much to learn and do during this year’s Pollinator Week! So much of life here on Earth relies on pollination for survival, which makes the different types of pollinators incredibly valuable.

How are you planning to celebrate Pollinator Week?

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